
Site: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Manufacturer: Intel
Cores: 140
Processor: Intel 80860 50MHz
Interconnect: 2-D mesh (torus)
Installation Year: 1994
Linpack Performance (Rmax) 4.33 GFlop/s
Theoretical Peak (Rpeak) 7.00 GFlop/s
Operating System: OSF/1
List Rank System Vendor Total Cores Rmax (GFlop/s) Rpeak (GFlop/s) Power (kW)
06/1996 346 XP/S10 Intel 140 4.33 7.00
12/1995 252 XP/S10 Intel 140 4.33 7.00
06/1995 190 XP/S10 Intel 140 4.33 7.00
11/1994 135 XP/S10 Intel 140 4.33 7.00
11/1994 139 XP/S10 Intel 140 4.10 7.00