n256-7440p-8t version: V3.0 Release date: November 11, 2015 Machine Summary: Distributed Processes: 7440 Threads per processes: 8 Global Problem Dimensions: Global nx: 4096 Global ny: 3840 Global nz: 7936 Processor Dimensions: npx: 16 npy: 15 npz: 31 Local Domain Dimensions: nx: 256 ny: 256 nz: 256 ########## Problem Summary ##########: Setup Information: Setup Time: 5.24965 Linear System Information: Number of Equations: 124822487040 Number of Nonzero Terms: 3368790583288 Multigrid Information: Number of coarse grid levels: 3 Coarse Grids: Grid Level: 1 Number of Equations: 15602810880 Number of Nonzero Terms: 420921799672 Number of Presmoother Steps: 1 Number of Postsmoother Steps: 1 Grid Level: 2 Number of Equations: 1950351360 Number of Nonzero Terms: 52570987000 Number of Presmoother Steps: 1 Number of Postsmoother Steps: 1 Grid Level: 3 Number of Equations: 243793920 Number of Nonzero Terms: 6560322808 Number of Presmoother Steps: 1 Number of Postsmoother Steps: 1 ########## Memory Use Summary ##########: Memory Use Information: Total memory used for data (Gbytes): 89240.6 Memory used for OptimizeProblem data (Gbytes): 0 Bytes per equation (Total memory / Number of Equations): 714.94 Memory used for linear system and CG (Gbytes): 78536.8 Coarse Grids: Grid Level: 1 Memory used: 9383.19 Grid Level: 2 Memory used: 1173.65 Grid Level: 3 Memory used: 146.897 ########## V&V Testing Summary ##########: Spectral Convergence Tests: Result: PASSED Unpreconditioned: Maximum iteration count: 11 Expected iteration count: 12 Preconditioned: Maximum iteration count: 2 Expected iteration count: 2 Departure from Symmetry |x'Ay-y'Ax|/(2*||x||*||A||*||y||)/epsilon: Result: PASSED Departure for SpMV: 0 Departure for MG: 0 ########## Iterations Summary ##########: Iteration Count Information: Result: PASSED Reference CG iterations per set: 50 Optimized CG iterations per set: 51 Total number of reference iterations: 3800 Total number of optimized iterations: 3876 ########## Reproducibility Summary ##########: Reproducibility Information: Result: PASSED Scaled residual mean: 0.00483793 Scaled residual variance: 5.30581e-36 ########## Performance Summary (times in sec) ##########: Benchmark Time Summary: Optimization phase: 2.85958 DDOT: 24.4906 WAXPBY: 79.2029 SpMV: 615.863 MG: 2734.33 ALL_reduce: 145.698 Total: 3599.59 Floating Point Operations Summary: Raw DDOT: 2.92184e+15 Raw WAXPBY: 2.92184e+15 Raw SpMV: 2.66269e+16 Raw MG: 1.49029e+17 Total: 1.81499e+17 Total with convergence overhead: 1.7794e+17 GB/s Summary: Raw Read B/W: 310557 Raw Write B/W: 71769 Raw Total B/W: 382326 Total with convergence and optimization phase overhead: 368520 GFLOP/s Summary: Raw DDOT: 119305 Raw WAXPBY: 36890.6 Raw SpMV: 43235.1 Raw MG: 54502.8 Raw Total: 50422.1 Total with convergence overhead: 49433.5 Total with convergence and optimization phase overhead: 48601.3 User Optimization Overheads: Problem setup time (sec): 5.24965 Optimization phase time (sec): 2.85958 Optimization phase time vs reference SpMV+MG time: 1.32014 DDOT Timing Variations: Min DDOT MPI_Allreduce time: 91.6603 Max DDOT MPI_Allreduce time: 161.947 Avg DDOT MPI_Allreduce time: 129.288 __________ Final Summary __________: HPCG result is VALID with a GFLOP/s rating of: 48601.3 HPCG 2.4 Rating (for historical value) is: 49136.8 Reference version of ComputeDotProduct used: Performance results are most likely suboptimal Please upload results from the YAML file contents to: http://hpcg-benchmark.org